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Pop the bubbles! Sixty Vines is thrilled to announce the release of our first ever carbon neutral wine label – Sesenta Cava. Sesenta is CarbonHero certified, meaning the production, transportation and admin functions of the importation of Sesenta to our restaurants is recognized as 100% carbon neutral through carbon offset initiatives. Join the movement to #sipsustainably with Sesenta Cava next time you visit Sixty Vines!
Grapes: Macabeo, Xarel-lo, Parellada
Clean, bright and dry: This is a textbook example of traditional Cava profile and sets a very high bar for those new to the style. Cava is generally lighter and drier in style than Champagne, with no need to hide behind sweetness; there is plenty of fruit from ripe grapes. 100% of production made in Método Tradicional (traditional method) where the second fermentation happens after bottling.